Rachel Williams
Weekdays 6am – 9am
The only on-air talent bio that ever made me laugh- this girl in Mississippi posted Taylor Swift’s biography as her own. DJ’s aren’t the most creative when it comes to writing. I will do my best to sum my life up and ask you finish reading before “clicking through” to a contest.
Born in Ohio, raised in Atlanta. Purdue graduate.
First job in Austin, Texas then on to New York for a failed marriage.
I have a daughter Madeleine that just turned four and she is my world! I have truly been blessed.
The most dogs I have ever owned at one time was five. I currently have two.
I really wanted to be on TV, but a guy I worked with told me I had really fat calves and I would never survive. So behind the mic I stayed.
I seem to have a weird attraction to short, fat, bald men with low self-esteem. Hopefully, therapy will cure me of that.
I can’t remember the last time I went on a decent date.
If I had money I would collect cars.
I can’t watch any “Kardashian” show without running to the mirror and “inspecting” all my flaws.
I still don’t know how to work my iphone.
My only “claim to fame:” my friend was mentioned in the Steve Jobs book.
I’m hooked on bratwurst. Bring on Packer Season!