Intern with WOGB

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Love music? Love radio? Want to see what it’s all about? 

My name is Samantha and I work in the Marketing & Promotions Department for Cumulus Broadcasting Green Bay. I am looking for our next group of interns. As a part of this internship, interns can learn how to market to specific demographics, help brainstorm to create new marketing ideas for our clients and stations; and network with local business owners and community leaders. Interns can do all of this while learning how to live the dream and earn college credit.

Enough business talk.

Interns will also be a part of Packer game day fun, get to drive a Hummer, deliver pizza and goodies to listeners; and eat all the cotton candy they want. If you or someone you know is interested in interning for the Promotions & Marketing Department at Cumulus Broadcasting, call me today to set up an interview: Samantha at 920-393-4308.

Vehicle at Meyer2Tailgate 2018-08-18-e

Concert Page Featured Image with logoSteve Kline logoedFarmers Market


The WOGB Artist of the Month for February is HEART!!

The WOGB Artist of the Month for February is HEART!!

It’s February and at 103.1 WOGB we have HEART as our WOGB Artist of the Month. The month of love is also gonna Rock with the Wilson Sisters as we feature their music all month long!!! From Magic Man and Crazy on You to Alone and all hits in between! Heart is featured as our…

Wake up with Rachel Williams and WOGB

Wake up with Rachel Williams and WOGB

Rachel will start you day with all you need to make it GREAT!  Local updates, celebrity scoop and of course Green Bay’s Classic Hits!  So does it with a smile and her very own Green and Gold Style!  6 AM to 9 AM each Weekday on WOGB!

AOTM: Think You Know Queen? Think Again…

Freddie Mercury (1946-1991), singer with Queen, standing in front of a drumkit as he sings into a microphone on stage during a live concert performance by the band at the National Bowl in Milton Keynes, England, United Kingdom, on 5 June 1982. (Photo by Fox Photos/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

AOTM: Think You Know Queen? Think Again…

How much do you really know about our AOTM Queen? If you’re a Queen aficionado, then maybe what I’m about to share with you is old news. However, if you’re only familiar with their music, you have been missing out on some fascinating information. The Queen you need to meet: All of the musicians are…