AOTM: Supertramp’s Logical Song Strikes a Chord

Supertramp’s leap into stardom was neither quick nor was it easy. Their journey had a few bumps in the road along the way, however, with the songwriting talents of Rick Davies and Roger Hodgson, they were destined to make a name for themselves on the US charts in the late 70s and early 80s.

The band had their initial break with their album Crime of the Century, which produced “Dreamer” and “Bloody Well Right”, but their biggest hit came off their Breakfast in America album which was released in 1979 ( Written by Roger Hodgson, “The Logical Song” focused on the questions people have about life ( Hodgson says:

“The Logical Song was born from my questions about what really matters in life. Throughout childhood we are taught all these ways to be and yet we are rarely told anything about our true self. We are taught how to function outwardly, but not guided to who we are inwardly. We go from the innocence and wonder of childhood to the confusion of adolescence that often ends in the cynicism and disillusionment of adulthood. In The Logical Song, the burning question that came down to its rawest place was “please tell me who I am,” and that’s basically what the song is about. I think this eternal question continues to hit such a deep chord in people around the world and why it stays so meaningful.”

Roger Hodgson wanted answers for something. Something everyone wonders and wants answers for.  While “The Logical Song” doesn’t answer those questions, it  does create a commonality at the rawest of human levels.

-Jenna Jakes, WOGB

Related Links:

A Brief History of Supertramp


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