Category Archives: Uncategorized

Talking to Your Pets or Your Plants Means You’re Smart

According to science, people who talk with their pets, to their plants, speak sweet nothings to their cars, etc. have a higher intelligence. Many people look at pet owners or plant enthusiasts as if they are crazy when they talk to them as if they are human, however, a behavior scientist at Chicago University found…MORE


Tiffany from Kansas went on a choir trip to Italy and found an old well to sing into.  The internet is going crazy over it!  Check it out:     found a well in italy with a nice echo 😊❤️ missing this trip already — Tiffany R (@tdayr18) March 28, 2017MORE

Fred Astaire Dance Lessons!

Have you always wanted to learn how to dance?  Like, REALLY dance? Well just in time for Christmas we have your chance to start in on your New Year’s Resolution! Enter here for your chance to win 5 dance lessons from Fred Astaire Dance Studio in Appleton. We’ll also throw in 2 dance parties so…MORE

Coats for Kids

Coats for Kids 2016 – Official Dates  and Events Campaign Time Frame – 9/12/2016-11/4/2016       Collection Events:   10/5/2016 — Papa Murphy’s Dough Raising Night – All Day Grab a pizza from Papa Murphy’s on October 5th and 20% of all proceeds will benefit Coats for Kids!     10/16/2016 — Green Bay…MORE

Orlando: How can I help?

Orlando: How can I help?

(OrlandoSentinal) Overwhelmed by people wanting to donate blood to victims of the Pulse nightclub shooting, OneBlood asked donors to stop coming Sunday and schedule appointments over the next few days.MORE

Wogb Rules

(Phot Curtosey) Wogb Rules (image curtosey)MORE


The WOGB Artist of the Month for February is HEART!!

The WOGB Artist of the Month for February is HEART!!

It’s February and at 103.1 WOGB we have HEART as our WOGB Artist of the Month. The month of love is also gonna Rock with the Wilson Sisters as we feature their music all month long!!! From Magic Man and Crazy on You to Alone and all hits in between! Heart is featured as our…

Wake up with Rachel Williams and WOGB

Wake up with Rachel Williams and WOGB

Rachel will start you day with all you need to make it GREAT!  Local updates, celebrity scoop and of course Green Bay’s Classic Hits!  So does it with a smile and her very own Green and Gold Style!  6 AM to 9 AM each Weekday on WOGB!

AOTM: Think You Know Queen? Think Again…

AOTM: Think You Know Queen? Think Again…

How much do you really know about our AOTM Queen? If you’re a Queen aficionado, then maybe what I’m about to share with you is old news. However, if you’re only familiar with their music, you have been missing out on some fascinating information. The Queen you need to meet: All of the musicians are…